trembling but roaring



c r e d i t

stop apologizing for your existence.
stop it.
just stop it.
right now.
you were put on this earth with
worth overflowing into
oceans of cosmic
proportion, your bones have
purpose, your marrow poise.
you take up just the right
amount of space for a reason;
freckles and moles and stretch
marks and scars placed strategically
across your skin as proof that
you have lived your life. do
not apologize for being human,
for having lived, for continuing
to fill your lungs up with new experiences,
and gathering up bruises like
you are supposed to be here.
you are supposed to live.
you are supposed to take up the
space that you occupy.
and without you, this earth wouldn't
be the same.
you are matter,
so you matter.
stop saying sorry for being.
stop it.
you are glorious and incredible and
magnificent and so worthy of being.
believe this.
believe this.
believe this.

*gently lays down mic/bouquet of 
flowers, picks up  your broken 
pieces, gives you a hug*


  1. thank you for being and for encouraging me to be too.

    love always.

  2. beautiful, thanks for this, it came at the right time.
    Love from Colombia<3
